❤️ How To Say I Love You In Morse Code?  ❤️


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Dec 11, 2023

❤️ How To Say I Love You In Morse Code? ❤️

Marifur Rahaman Follow -- Listen Share At last. At last, you found that person who you think is different. At last, you found a keeper. At last, you found a person whom you can single out from the

Marifur Rahaman





At last. At last, you found that person who you think is different. At last, you found a keeper. At last, you found a person whom you can single out from the crowd. And you want to propose to this special one in a special way. You want to cherish this moment of professing your love. So you decide to say I love you in Morse Code! Something nerdy, something unique! It will truly be an awesome evening.

Saying I love you in Morse Code is actually easy. You just have to know the Morse equivalent of the English letters used in ‘I love you.’ Here is how you would say I love You in Morse Code language –

.. ._.. _ _ _ …_ . _._ _ _ _ _ .._

Morse Code is represented in Dots and Dashes. So to say I Love You in Morse Code, you need to know how the letters in I Love You are represented in the Code. Let’s see what the letters in “I Love You” look like in Morse Code → .. (I) ._.. (L) _ _ _ (O) …_ (V) . (E) _._ _ (Y) _ _ _ (O) .._ (U)

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Morse Code is a mechanism through which you send electrical pulses. There are only two types of pulses sent through the Morse Code machine. One is a high-intensity pulse and one is a low-intensity pulse. The long/high-intensity pulse is called the DASH while the low-intensity or short pulse is called the DOTS.

We represent the letters of the English language through the combination of the high and low intensity electrical pulses. For example — the English letter ‘O’ appears in Morse code as a combination of three long pulses or three Dashes ( _ _ _ ).

Each of the English letters has a Morse Equivalent that is made up of these combinations of Dots and Dashes.

So consult the Morse chart above and you can easily figure out the Morse equivalent of the letters used in — I Love You.

Now that you know how to transform English letters into Morse code dots and dashes, you can easily use the same technique to say Happy Valentines Day In Morse Code.

To say Happy Valentines Day in Morse Code, you just have to know the Morse equivalent of the letters used in — Happy Valentines Day. So,

To Say Happy Valentines Day In Morse Code, you have to write-

(The forward slashes denote space)

So, with the above mentioned way you can say I Love You In Writing. You can send that written Morse Code via Whatsapp to your beloved. Or, if you love the classic way, you can write a whole love letter in Morse Code.

But how can you SAY or SPEAK in Morse Code? Can you actually SAY I Love You in Morse Code? Yes you can!

Just like we use long and short electrical pulses, we can use long and short beeps to profess I Love You In Morse Code. Short beeps are dots and the long beeps are dashes.

What have you learned so far? Morse code requires two intensities of pulses — either electric or sound or light. What happens, when you don’t have access to any of these ?

You can say I Love You just by tapping! That’s also a way of sending Morse Code. However, tapping with your hands or pen to create Morse Code sound is difficult. Why? Because taps don’t have intensity. How can you differentiate between long tap and short tap? A tap is a tap!

So how would you send a Morse Code just by tapping on something? You have to use two taps to denote a single dot or dash. Two taps in a short interval will be considered a dot. Two taps in a relatively long interval will be considered dash!

So that means even if you want to say I love you in an exam hall, you can do so by tapping your pen against the bench!

Before creating the breakthrough Morse technology, Samuel Morse was famous as a painter. His paintings were appreciated by the connoisseurs of art. So one day while he was busy painting, he received the letter of his wife’s severe illness. And the very next day he received another letter that gave him the sad news of his wife’s demise.

Samuel Morse realised that his wife was suffering for a long time. And he had no inkling. Why? Just because there was no proper way of delivering messages fast. It is now believed that this tragedy might have inspired him to invent a device that would help people send messages quickly to others living far away.

Now that you know how to write I Love You in Morse Code, let us understand some basic aspects of Morse Code encoding.

When I was first reading about Morse Code, the first confusion arose when I read about the so-called duration. If Morse Code is dot-dash text, then how come there is the question of duration? Then I stumbled upon this fine website . It informed that in the early days, voltage was used as Morse Code. So a short-duration voltage was considered as a dot and a long-duration voltage (3 time unit) were considered as a dash. The voltage operated a sounder or a paper tape puncher.

Morse Code can be represented with the help of lights too. Short pulse of light will be considered as dots and a long pulse of light will be considered as dashes. So there you have it. You can say the three magical words by switching on and switching off the led light of your phone.

If you want the moment of saying I Love You to be much more passionate, you can even say I Love You in Morse Code just by blinking your eyes. You see, anything that can have two combinations can be used as a Morse Code medium. So, it will be the ultimate romantic moment when both of you love birds are staring at each other’s eyes and you say those three words just by blinking. And she blinks too, to say I Love You Too! Oh! What a memorable evening that will be !


If you want to say I love you in Morse code, say like this — Di-di | di-dah-di-di dah-dah-dah di-di-di-dah di | dah-di-dah-dah dah-dah-dah di-di-dah. The word ‘di’ is equivalent to the short beep, while ‘dah’ is equivalent to the long beep.

If you want to write I love you in Morse code, write like this- .. ._.. _ _ _ …_ . _._ _ _ _ _ .._

To say I love you using tap code or tap morse code, you have to use two short duration taps as dit and two long duration taps as dah. However, there is a high chance that the receiver might get confused about the two kinds of taps. So, for dah, you can also add dragging sound to specifically indicate that it is dah.

Morse Code is represented in Dots and Dashes. So to say I Love You in Morse Code, you need to know how the letters in I Love You are represented in the Code. Let’s see what the letters in “I Love You” look like in Morse Code → .. (I) ._.. (L) _ _ _ (O) …_ (V) . (E) _._ _ (Y) _ _ _ (O) .._ (U)FAQsDi-di | di-dah-di-di dah-dah-dah di-di-di-dah di | dah-di-dah-dah dah-dah-dah di-di-dah. ._.. _ _ _ …_ . _._ _ _ _ _ .._